Make your own gDiaper insert
Materials: I chose to use microfiber as an absorbent layer because it was easy for me to get and inexpensive.
I bought a 34 pack of 14”x14” microfiber auto cleaning cloths at BJ's and this was enough for 17 of my inserts. Microfiber is so absorbent that it will dry out your baby’s skin if it rubs against it, possibly causing a rash, so it’s best to cover it with another layer of fabric.
*If are making these for a Pocket diaper you will not need to cover it. See direction at the bottom *
I picked fleece for the top layer to provide a dry feeling for the baby. I was worried about
my hubby possibly putting the insert in the diaper upside down, so I choose
100% cotton solid color for the bottom layer to completely enclose the microfiber.
PREWASH all of your fabric!
Pattern: I made the pattern for my inserts out of paper. (Just ignore any clipping which
might happen at the edge of the image and print it out at 100%) The larger shape is half
of a M/L gDiaper insert and the smaller one is half of the size small. Just place the
straight edge along a fold in the newspaper to make it twice as long.
M/L is 5.25” x 13”
S is 4.5 x 11
Cutting: Pin the pattern to your fabric for the top and bottom layers of your insert and cut it out. Cut out 2 layers of microfiber in 4.75” by 12.5” rectangles (4”x10.5” for smalls)Sewing: Lay the 2 layers of microfiber
down on the WRONG side of the bottom layer, centering them.
Stitch from the edge of the bottom layer. This should be about from the edge of the microfiber. It’s important to stitch through all 3 layers the entire way around.
Trim off any microfiber that you can see from the other side of the flannel, like at the corners. Place the fleece on top of the microfiber layers, right side up. Pin in place and sew around the edges with a zig-zag stitch.
This is what the insert looks like in a size medium/Large gDiaper.
Pocket diapers directions:
You can use the same measurement as above, for this insert I wanted it bigger for an older child at night..
Once you know what size you want then you ca trace it and cut it out, I used two microfiber car shams
(6 layers of absorbency).
Stitch all the layers together with the zig-zag stitch. I did this one 3 layers at a time, than sewed it all together.
This is mine next a microfiber insert I bought. Enjoy!